Customs Valuation Advisory Fallback Method US Customs>Tax Consultant Kenya
OT:RR:CTF:VS H320347 AP Julie Vair, LCB, CCS Managing Consultant U.S. Trade Advisory Services Expeditors Tradewin, LLC 1015 Third Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 RE: DNA Sample; Valuation under 19 U.S.C. 1401a; Fallback Method Dear Ms. Vair: This is in response to your August 24, 2021 request for a binding ruling, on behalf of your client Genewiz, […]
Objection to Appraised Customs Value US Customs>Customs Tax Consultant Kenya
Center Director Apparel, Footwear and Textile Center of Excellence CBP San Francisco Field Office 555 Battery St, Room 433 San Francisco, CA 94111 RE: Application for Further Review and Protest No. 0712-19-100276; Valuation of apparel This is in response to the Application for Further Review (“AFR”) of Protest No. 0712-19-100276, timely filed by Alston & […]
Why do Kenyans Shop for Clothes in Uganda for Resale In Kenya>Customs Tax Consultant Kenya
Reason: Application of Rules of Valuation and Goods Classification The Import duty applicable in all countries in the East African Community(EAC) is fixed. The rates for goods coming into the territory from foreign is the same. Assume the tax rates on a shirt are: Import duty, 25%, VAT,16%, IDF-3.5% RDL-2%. The overall effective rate is […]
Tax Appeals Tribunal Decision Customs Value>Customs Tax Consultant Kenya
On 14th May,2020, the Appellant was informed by the Respondent through the online clearing platform that the values declared were too low and therefore the goods have to be given an uplift of the values based on reference values of similar importations, resulting to a demand of Kshs. 1,589,184/= in extra taxes. JUDGEMENT BACKGROUND 1.The […]