HS Classification Opinions

HS Classification of Anti-Bacterial Mouthwash(3004 or 3306)>>HS Code HS Classification

HS Classification of Anti-Bacterial Mouthwash(3004 or 3306)? Calling on Customs experts and HS Classification Gurus to Comment on whatsapp +254708751955 or Email:mmc@janronconsult.com Summary 1)   Chlorhexidine gluconate is an essential medicine recognised worldwide. It imparts the essential character to the product. Refer to the analysis of the ingredients in Mouthwash D. 2)   There are two major types of mouthwash. 1) […]

HS Classification Rules 1 to 6 Demystified >> HS Code HS Classification

HS Classification Rules 1 to 6 Demystified The General Interpretative Rules (GIRs) The Harmonised System  and its General Interpretation Rules Rules on resolving ambiguity in classification are needed for consistent results in classification systems. A major goal of the HS was to establish a global classification system that facilitated consistency and predictability in classification. However, […]

Objection KRA HS Code Classification of Safety Harness>HS Code HS Classification

Rule 3 of HS Classification When by application of Rule 2 (b) or for any other reason, goods are prima facie, classifiable under two or more headings, classification shall be affected as follows:(a)  The heading which provides the most specific description shall be preferred to headings providing a more general description. However, when two or […]

Reasons Incorrect HS Code Classification Chemicals Tariff Rulings>>HS Code HS Classification

Analysis of Reasons for Incorrect Classification of Chemicals in Tariff Rulings Application of this Incorrect Rulings to Chemicals and Raw Materials for Industrial Use The notes causing this state of affairs are Section VI Note 3, Section VII Note 1 Section VI Note 3: Applies to  Chapters 28-38{ PRODUCTS OF THE CHEMICAL OR ALLIED INDUSTRIES} […]

HS Code Classification Probiotics> HS Code HS Classification

30th  December 2022 The Chief Manager, Business  Intelligence and  Analysis Kenya Revenue Authority Times Towers Nairobi, Kenya Dear Sir, REF: ADVANCE RULING APPEAL Reference is made to your letters xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx of 15th June 2021 and  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx of 29th September,2022 The letters address the HS Classification of Probiotics The advance ruling placed the items at subheading […]

WCO WHO HS Classification of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients>> HS Code HS Classification

  Last update : June 2022 An International Nonproprietary Name (INN) (or generic name) identifies a pharmaceutical substance or active pharmaceutical ingredient by a unique name that is globally recognized and is public property. The system of recommended INNs has been in operation since 1953 by the World Health Organization (WHO). Every year, the WHO […]

Introduction to the Harmonized System Nomenclature>Tax Consultant

Introduction to the Harmonized System Nomenclature In the late 1960’s, a growing awareness developed among the major trading partners of the need to rationalize and harmonize trade documentation data, in particular, to find a common way of designating and coding all commodities involved in international trade. To this end, the Customs Cooperation Council initiated exploratory […]

Harmonised System Convention>Tax Consultant Kenya

INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE HARMONIZED COMMODITY DESCRIPTION AND CODING SYSTEM (done at Brussels on 14 June 1983) PREAMBLE The Contracting Parties to this Convention, established under the auspices of the Customs Co-operation Council, Desiring to facilitate international trade, Desiring to facilitate the collection, comparison and analysis of statistics, in particular those on international trade, Desiring […]

WCO HS Code Classification Rulings Chapters 16 to 24>Tax Consultant

WCO Ruling Subheading 1601.00: Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal, blood or insects; food preparations based on these products Pepperoni, put up together with Mozzarella cheese in a sealed bag of plastics having a net weight of 280 g, the pepperoni and the cheese being separated by a piece of wax paper. The […]

WCO HS Code Rulings Chapter 85>customs Tax Consultant

WCO Rulings Subheading 8501.62: — Of an output exceeding 75 kVA but not exceeding 375 kVA Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), used for generating electric power, with criteria of 480V, 3-phase, 60Hz, with apparent power output of 210 kVA. The product consists of an electric reactor, a device which removes the sulphur and the hydrogen […]