WCO HS Code Rulings Chapter 84>HS Code HS Classification
WCO Rulings for Section XVI Ball bearing control cables: Identifiable as suitable for use solely or principally with a particular machine, or apparatus of Sect. XVI. Classification as parts or accessories of the appropriate machine or apparatus. See also Opinions 8487.90/2, Sect. XVII/1 and 9033.00/1. Adoption : 1962 Stirring attachements for agitators or mixers, consisting […]
HS Code Classification Orthopaedic Fracture Appliances: Customs Tax Consultant Kenya
HS Code Ruling 1 RE: The tariff classification of spinal fixation implants and surgical instruments In your submission you state: “The ‘Aspen Spinous Process System’ from Lanx Inc., is a posterior, non-pedicle fixation device for single level placement in surgical surgeries for the human spine. It is designed for plate attachment to the spinous […]
HS Code Classification of Polyol Isocyanate Polyurethanes US Customs: Customs Tax Consultant Kenya
Mondur MR in the form of a dark brown liquid, is polymethylene polyphenyl isocyanate (polymeric isocyanate), a chemically modified amino-resin prepolymer. Mondur MR is used in the formulation of rigid polyester and polyether urethane foams. It is also used in adhesive applications calling for urethane bonding agents. The applicable subheading for the Mondur MR will be 3909.30.0000, […]
Objection KRA HS Code Classification Aluminium Solar Structures>Customs Tax Consultant Kenya
We have demonstrated in this write up that the imported Unassembled Aluminium equipment is classifiable under heading 7610 . In case there are doubts we are ready to demonstrate the assembly of the imported Aluminium solar panel installation and support equipment to enable KRA make the correct decision. […]
Objection KRA HS Code Classification Aluminium Profile>Tax Consultant Kenya
These rulings provide a guide on the state of items classifiable under heading 7308 as well as 7610. They also provide a guide as to the meaning of prepared for use in structures. If the items have been specially prepared for fitting onto structures(buildings), then they are classifiable under 7308.30 and therefore by virtue of […]
Objection KRA HS Code Classification Edge Banding>Customs Tax Consultant Kenya
The above illustrations show that, for the ABS edging banding to qualify for classification under the sub-heading 3920.30.90, the item must undergo a process of further processing to introduce specific graphic designs. The classification for the company’s imports, which are imported in solid colours, which can then be further processed is 39203010. We have attached […]
Application for Advance Ruling for Complete Racking System Made of Steel>Tax Consultant Kenya
Take note that ‘’the provisions of the Explanatory Note to heading 73.08 apply, mutatis mutandis, to this heading(76.10), These two opinions ,include racks of steel or aluminium as metal structures of 7308 or 7610. This is another pointer to the WCOs anticipated classification of steel racks. This further confirms the accuracy of our proposed classification. […]
HS Code Classification of an Audio Headset,Microphone Set US Customs>Customs Tax Consultant Kenya
Classification of merchandise under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) is in accordance with the General Rules of Interpretation (GRI’s), taken in order. The term “sets” is discussed in GRI 3(a). GRI 3(a) provides that when two or more headings each refer to part only of the items in a set put […]
HS Code Classification Ultrasonic and UV sanitizer US Customs>Customs Tax Consultant Kenya
Based on the information provided, it is the opinion of this office that the subject sanitizer is considered a composite good representing functions that are covered by multiple headings within the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS). As such, classification is derived by the rules set forth by General Rule of Interpretation (GRI) […]
HS Code Classification Unfinished Engines US Customs>Customs Tax Consultant Kenya
Classification of goods under the HTSUS is governed by the General Rules of Interpretation (GRI). GRI 1 provides that classification shall be determined according to the terms of the headings of the tariff schedule and any relative section or chapter notes. In the event that the goods cannot be classified solely on the basis of […]