Tax Advisory

Application for Advance Ruling for Complete Racking System Made of Steel>Tax Consultant Kenya

Take note that ‘’the provisions of the Explanatory Note to heading 73.08 apply, mutatis mutandis, to this heading(76.10),  These two opinions ,include racks of steel or aluminium as metal structures of 7308 or 7610.  This is another pointer to the WCOs anticipated classification of steel racks. This further confirms the accuracy of our proposed classification. […]

Notice of Objection KRA Re-valuation Stainless-Steel Hotpots>Customs Tax Consultant Kenya

If the mixed/consolidation/hawkers’ justification was relied on by KRA  , was consideration done that a 40foot container can carry a maximum of 27,600kgs and maximum volume of 32,meters cubed. The gross weight of the consignment is 17,690 kgs. 28th  July 2022 The Chief Manager, Valuation, Customs & Border Control Kilindini, Mombasa Kenya Revenue Authority Dear […]

Notice of Objection to KRA for Re-valuation of Untreated Fluff Pulp>Tax Consultant Kenya

The import used for comparison contains polythene laminate, which therefore alters the cost of its production.  The cost due to the laminate will be very different from our import.  Our import does not contain the laminate. Therefore, comparison of the two offends the rules of valuation. 12th September 2022 The Commissioner, Customs and Border Control […]

Sample Work Done in 2022>Tax Consultant Kenya

We are writing to request for an advance ruling for Steel Storage Racking System and Accessories or Complete Racking System Made of Steel, as supported by Section 248(A) of the EACCMA quoted below for ease of reference. We propose classification under Heading 7308.90 of the Common External Tariff(CET) Compilation of Notices of Objection to KRA

Tax Appeals Tribunal Decision Customs Valuation Tyres>Tax Consultant Kenya

The Respondent, in 2006, acknowledged that there were issues with the valuation of tyres imported from China, importers valued the tyres at different prices regardless of the fact that the goods were either identical or similar and originated from the same Country. Additionally, the Respondent concluded that values of the tyres declared by the various […]

NTSA and Registration of Transit Uncustomed Duty Unpaid Cars>Tax Consultant Kenya

Section 200 of EACCMA>>>> A person who— (a) imports or carries coastwise(i) any prohibited goods, whether or goods are unloaded; or(d) acquires, has in his or her possession, keeps or conceals, or procures to be kept or concealed, any goods which he or she knows, or ought reasonably to have known, to be (iii) uncustomed […]

Why do Kenyans Shop for Clothes in Uganda for Resale In Kenya>Customs Tax Consultant Kenya

Reason: Application of Rules of Valuation and Goods Classification The Import duty applicable in all countries in the East African Community(EAC) is fixed. The rates for goods coming into the territory from foreign is the same. Assume the tax rates on a shirt are: Import duty, 25%, VAT,16%, IDF-3.5% RDL-2%. The overall effective rate is […]