Tax Appeals Tribunal Decisions

Tax Appeals Tribunal Decision Customs Valuation Tyres>Tax Consultant Kenya

The Respondent, in 2006, acknowledged that there were issues with the valuation of tyres imported from China, importers valued the tyres at different prices regardless of the fact that the goods were either identical or similar and originated from the same Country. Additionally, the Respondent concluded that values of the tyres declared by the various […]

Tax Appeals Tribunal Decision Customs Value>Customs Tax Consultant Kenya

On 14th May,2020, the Appellant was informed by the Respondent through the online clearing platform that the values declared were too low and therefore the goods have to be given an uplift of the values based on reference values of similar importations, resulting to a demand of Kshs. 1,589,184/= in extra taxes. JUDGEMENT BACKGROUND 1.The […]